Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mish Mashter

Today, my sister Cassie and her boyfriend Ryan came with my niece Lyndsay for a preview of my show at GSU. We hung out there for a while and then headed outside to walk around the sculpture park for a while. It was a beautiful day.

Later, I learned the date for the 2010 Worldwide Through-the-Viewfinder Photography Day is June 19th so I decided that TTV would be a good, simple, free workshop to do with Feed now that I'm finished with the thesis prints that have been keeping me so busy lately. This TTV workshop and another event Michael is planning will be Feed's resurrection after a few months of relative inactivity. Michael's event has something to do with Stefen Robinson, social anarchy and Noam Chomsky but I'm not really sure of the details. I think it will be at the Kankakee Library though, and may involve a film screening.


The other night I posted a new show at Captive Werewolf, so you should check that out. It consists of a series of drawings by Andrew Smith from the United Kingdom, near Oxford. I think the next show will be a selfish one, showing off a few of my own prints. But after that, it will be back to business as usual, so if you want to be considered for exhibition on the site, let me know.


Submissions have been coming in for the Littlest Print Exchange. We've got about thirteen confirmed participants now, mostly those coming back from last year. As with Captive Werewolf, if you'd like to be considered for inclusion, check out the blog for guidelines and send in a portfolio.


I don't have any pictures at all related to the topics above so I'm including a picture I took at the county fair last summer. If it was at all in focus, It would probably be the best picture I've ever taken. In my defense, the setting was under a dark tent and I has a slow film in my camera, maybe 100 speed. This forced the usage of a large lens aperture, which means shallow depth of field. Since I was shooting candid pics quickly and casually, I didn't have time to focus precisely, so I just estimated distance and shot away. Anyway, even if I had the time to properly focus, my ancient Bronica has a focusing screen which is most likely out of whack.

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