I don't know why I start on these kinds of projects so late at night. I just spent the hours between midnight and four a.m. writing, and laying out a tiny little zine on the subject of, you guessed it, writing and laying out a zine. Friday of this week I'm putting on an informal
zine making workshop with our friends at Libro Bookstore down in Feed's old stomping grounds at the Majestic Center. I'm going to have copies of this zine made to give out to anyone that shows up. It contains a handful of simple layout diagrams and a few ideas for binding I think I've crammed a lot of info into fourteen 2.75" x 4.25" pages. If you're looking for something to do on Friday, stop by and help us work on a collaborative zine. P.S. I know the picture at right makes me look like a crazy person.
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