Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Currently Untitled But I'm Working on a Good One

JackieHere's a preview of a part of the piece that I'm trying to get finished for tomorrow's opening. Really, everything that needs to be done, is done. But there are a few details that I wanted to add. If I get through with my chores fast enough, I might have time to get those extra details finished, but if not, I'm fine with what I have right now. I could use an awesome title though. To be smart, and to increase my chances of winning, I should have another piece in the show, so I'm going to look through some of my junk and see if I have anything else to hang. I'm pretty sure I'm going to win anyway, despite a few awesome pieces by Jessica, Michael, Mike Smith, Rob Contania, and a dude I've seen around a lot but to whom I was never formally introduced. Today we talked for a while and I found out his name is Tor.

Updated to report on titling: The Intercession of the Saints (or Their Equivalent)


JD said...

how did it go? i really would like to go to one of these sometime.

Christopher Clark said...

It turns out I'm a big loser.

Sarah Ogren said...

I already told you this, but I'm going to state it again for everyone to read. :) I completely enjoyed this piece and appreciated the humor. I hope that you will add another pic of the entire installation when it is complete. The alter that you had at the show and other elements that you mentioned you were adding I think add to its appeal.
You should have won something..... You and I will take Michael down someday. :)

Christopher Clark said...

Thanks.I'm not going into detail, but I think someone was high.