Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Slow + Steady Part Two

I'm only doing a very few of these Darwin prints so they are going to get done pretty damn quickly. So far I've printed the yellow and magenta layers. Tomorrow I'll probably get the cyan and black layers finished. Then I'll make a decision about whether or not to add more or to just leave well enough alone.


ainesse said...


I Like your Darwin print - I was so rubbish at screen printing but you can't be good at everything (hee hee) she bluffed.

Still struggling with the basics of printmaking but I try to make up for it by endeavoring to be inventive with my images. Right now I "should" be working on a little lino print but I'm tired really and so am just getting distracted by people like you.

Love the look and tone of your blog?

take care Aine

Christopher Clark said...

Screen printing is fun and easy, fast and relatively inexpensive. I think you should give it another shot. Right now I'm enjoying oil based block or litho printing on top of water based screen printing.